Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00 am
This is a fun, vibrant service where we actively pursue God and celebrate the ways He is on the move.
Our time is packed with opportunities to connect with God and each other through worship, story, games and small groups. Come be a part of our loving faith community where you will get to experience the life-changing power of His story!
Pre-register a Friend!
If your family is bringing a first-time guest with you on Sunday, streamline your check-in process on Sunday by pre-registering the child here. When you arrive at the kiosk in the lobby, you'll be able to print name tags for all kids just like normal.

Links for C2 Parents

C2 Pastor
Hi, I am Angy Thomas. Contact me if you have any questions about C2.


Special Needs
Do you think your child may need additional support in the classroom (physical, emotional, social, etc.)? We’d love to connect you with GLO, our Special Needs ministry.