Love the City is committed to equipping and empowering the people of Salem Alliance Church to bring the tangible peace, presence and power of Jesus to our neighbors

What is a Love the City Project?
A Love the City Project can be a one-time or ongoing opportunity that brings blessing to a neighbor/s. Our commitment is to equip & empower you through resources (finances, connections, etc), support and prayer. Your commitment is to look for open doors to serve and love wherever you go.
When you fill out the Love the City Application you can apply for a financial grant of up to $500.00.
What are project requirements?
A project must:
- Be a blessing or meet a need.
- Be done together with other believers so that our neighbors experience the love of Jesus through his body, the church.
- Be led by someone who calls Salem Alliance Church their home church.
- Be for someone who is not related to you and does not attend Salem Alliance Church.
A project should not:
- Support an individual's salary or be for an organization's operational budget or program.
How do I apply for a Love the City Project?
We have a team that reviews every application at the beginning of each month. Click below to submit the application.
Do you have an idea but need help forming it into a Love the City Project? Ashley would love to connect and help you with your idea- feel free to send her an email.
If your project is time-sensitive and needs to be reviewed prior to the beginning of the month send an email to Ashley Dalen. Please put “Expedite LTC Application” in the subject line.
Need Support?
If you know of someone who calls Salem Alliance Church home and needs extra resources or support, reach out to Pastor Gordon Bergman. Gordon leads our Benevolent Committee which is designed to provide wrap-around services for our SAC family members.
Love the City Project Examples
- Helping a neighbor whose home is in disrepair.
- Offering support to a sick co-worker.
- Hosting an event for someone with little family connections.
- Asking the unsheltered neighbors in your area what immediate needs they have and stepping in.
- Showing appreciation to the workers at a local facility, school, non-profit.
- Contributing to an unexpected bill.
- Starting a community garden.
- Teaching a class on basic skills (cooking, driving, sewing, auto).
- Hosting an oil change day.
- Neighborhood block party or gathering.
- Offering rides to the elderly.

Contact our Pastor of Neighborhoods, Ashley Dalen. Email her below and she'll get back to you as soon as she can.