Relate: Marriage Courses
Relate: a marriage and relationship ministry of Salem Alliance Church is happening October 9 to November 20, 2024.
This seven-week course offers three different opportunities for intentionally investing in healthy relationships. Whether you are just starting on your journey as a couple, dealing with conflict in a variety of settings, or wanting to intentionally invest in your marriage or long-term relationship, we have a group for you.
Choose one of the following courses:
Ready: a personalized look at how to launch into a committed relationship.
Group leaders: Jeff and Jennifer Roth with Fred and Jennifer Preston.
This course is for seriously dating, engaged, and newly married couples. Committing your life to another human is a huge step. Ready will expose you to common issues that couples face, provide a personalized assessment of your relationship, and give you time as a couple to talk through some of these big ideas. It will also provide you with a mentor couple to discuss your personal journey into a life-long committed relationship. The cost for Ready is $45 per couple, which includes the online assessment ($35) and your printed class materials.
Resolving Everyday Conflict: What does the Bible say about how to resolve your differences?
Group leaders: Rick and Clover Stein and Valonda Leichty.
This course is for all adults and is not specifically aimed at couples. Whether the conflict you face is with your spouse, a co-worker, a family member, or friend, this could be a great resource for you. Learn how God would help you speak the truth in love to resolve your differences. The cost is $10 per person, which covers course materials and supplies
Reconnect: a small group book study for married and committed couples
Group leaders: Craig and Denise Clark
This group will be reading and discussing the book Created for Connection by Dr. Sue Johnson. “The way to enhance or save our relationships with each other and with God is to be open, attuned, and responsive and to reestablish safe emotional connection.” This book group will provide an opportunity to connect with other couples, glean from the wisdom in community, and invest in your most sacred relationship. The cost for this course is $10 per couple, which covers course materials and supplies. You will also need to purchase your own copy of the book.
Childcare is provided. Registration is required.
Contact Morgan Tyler if you have any questions