Job Openings

Sparrow Workforce English Language Coordinator

Salem Alliance Church is hiring a temporary part-time English Language Coordinator to teach English classes to refugee interns at Sparrow Workforce Development. We are looking for someone with ESL or teaching experience. The English Language Coordinator will work 20-25 hours per week, teaching classes to small groups of adult English learners on Monday - Friday from 1:00 - 5:00 pm. Additional hours each week will be dedicated to assessing student progress, curriculum development, and supporting volunteer tutors and other teachers to develop their skills. Classes begin in early October.  Please email a resume before Friday, December 31.

Baraka English Childcare Worker

We are looking to hire one Childcare Workers for 8 hours per week each to care for kids during the Baraka English program on Tuesdays and Thursdays from September - June. For more information, send your inquiries to the email below.
To apply, submit your resume to the email below. Application deadline: Friday, January 10.